We will have flexible IT systems
Last published: 11 October 2023
Chapter overview
We will have flexible IT systems
Finanstilsynet will renew and further develop a comprehensive IT system portfolio, including solutions for receiving, documenting and storing data. New solutions for sharing data and events, as well as advanced analysis, will be developed.
Finanstilsynet's IT systems will be compliant with official information security requirements.
Commercially available services and common national components will be used wherever appropriate. This reduces operational complexity and uncertainty.
Cloud services will be used where appropriate. This ensures increased flexibility when developing, administering and using IT systems.
Cooperation on the development and operation of common IT solutions, for example with supervisory authorities in other countries, will take place provided that this is permitted by regulations and ensures savings, faster implementation or reduced risk.
Flexible and cost-effective IT systems will make Finanstilsynet well prepared to cope with new needs arising from new legislation, events that affect its activities, etc.
Finanstilsynet's strategy for 2023–2026 defines important parameters for its digitalisation process. Finanstilsynet’s main goal is to promote financial stability and well-functioning markets. This requires that supervisory activities are data-driven, risk-based and efficient.
Digitalisation principles
A transparent and consistent IT architecture is a prerequisite for stable services and digital innovation.