Visiting address
Revierstredet 3, 0151 Oslo
Contact employees at Finanstilsynet
If you know the three-digit internal phone number of the person you intend to contact at Finanstilsynet, dial 47 22 93 9 + the three digits.
The email addresses of Finanstilsynet’s employees consist of "first name"."last name"
Please note that emails with attachments are considered to be an open channel. Therefore, the sender must select the level of security for their emails. Applications and documentation may still also be sent by ordinary mail, possibly by courier service.
Finanstilsynet’s website
Editor-in-chief: Lisbeth Strand, Communications Director
Web editor: Børge Ulekleiv, Senior Adviser
All requests concerning the website should be directed to
Finanstilsynet has started using secure and effective electronic communication, eCommunication. Altinn is used for digital mail for self-employed persons and other undertakings with an organisation number, while a digital mailbox is used for individuals and units with national identity numbers.
Electronic invoices and invoicing address
We encourage all suppliers that have not started using invoices in electronic trading format (Elektronisk handelsformat – EHF) to start doing so. Information about electronic invoices can be found here:
- Electronic invoice processing (in Norwegian only)
Finanstilsynet’s invoicing address:
Fakturamottak DFØ
P.O. Box 4746
NO-7468 Trondheim
Your request may become public
Please note that requests to a public authority such as Finanstilsynet are processed in accordance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (Act of 19 June 1970 no. 69 relating to public access to documents in the public administration). This means that the content of your request usually must be expected to become publicly available.
Electronic submission of information to Finanstilsynet
Send information securely to Finanstilsynet via Altinn
You can send annexes securely to Finanstilsynet by using the Altinn form General form for annexes (KRT-1060). Both enterprises and individuals can use the form.
Documents can also be sent to Finanstilsynet as attachments to the email address Finanstilsynet does not require original or certified copies of criminal record certificates and other relevant attachments. Any attempts at document forgery will be reported.
Opening hours switchboard/reception
+47 22 93 98 00
During winter time (15 September – 14 May):
During summer time (15 May – 14 September):
Visitor address:
Revierstredet 3
0151 Oslo
Postal address:
Revierstredet 3
P.O.Box 1187 Sentrum
0107 Oslo
Organisation number:
840 747 972