Notifications, applications and error reporting under EMIR
Last published: 11 October 2024
Information on how to notify the clearing obligation and notify or apply for an exemption from the clearing obligation, the obligation to report to a trade repository or the obligation to take risk-mitigating measures. You will also find a form for notifying reporting errors or deficiencies.
Notifications and applications should be sent to unless otherwise stated.
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Notification of clearing obligation
When notifying that a clearing threshold has been exceeded, cf. EMIR Article 4a and Article 10(1)a use the following form from ESMA (please note that the notification must be sent to both Finanstilsynet and ESMA):
Exemption from the clearing obligation
When an entity is to notify or apply for an exemption from the clearing obligation for intragroup transactions under EMIR Article 4 (2) (a) or (b), the following forms shall be used:
- Notification of exemption from the clearing obligation for intragroup transactions with counterparties in the EEA, cf. EMIR Article 4 (2) (a) (xlsx)
- Applications for exemption from the clearing obligation for intragroup transactions with counterparties established in countries outside the EEA, cf. Article 4 (2) (b) (xlsx)
Exemption from reporting to trade repositories
Norwegian entities intending to make use of the exemption from reporting intragroup OTC derivative transactions to a trade repository, cf. EMIR Article 9, must notify this in Altinn using form KRT-1177: Notification of exemption from the reporting obligation for intragroup OTC derivative transactions. The sender’s Norwegian national identity number or D number is required.
How to give a single service or role to others
Follow the process in Altinn to give others rights to a single service that gives access to a specific form or to delegate a role that gives access to several forms:
Exemption from the obligation to implement risk-mitigating measures
Entities may apply for or notify exemptions from the obligation to exchange collateral as a risk-mitigating measure under EMIR Article 11.
- Margin exemption for intragroup transactions form (xlsx)
- Margin exemption for intragroup transactions User Guide (pdf)
Notification of errors or shortcomings in the reporting
Norwegian entities reporting according to EMIR shall comply with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1860 and notify Finanstilsynet of incidents covered by Article 9(1) (a) to (c). The notification shall be made by submitting the form below via the general attachment form (KRT-1060) in Altinn with reference to case number 24/3671. A guide to completing the form is provided in chapter 3.29 ‘Ensuring data quality by counterparties’ of ESMA's ‘Guidelines on reporting under EMIR REFIT’, see link below. Any questions may be sent to
- General attachment (KRT-1060) (Altinn)
- Notification for data quality issues (xlsx)
- ESMA: Guidelines for reporting under EMIR