Guide: How to log in to
Last published: 23 October 2020
Before starting this process, please be aware that the alternative investment manager (AIFM) you represent will need an Altinn-user. One AIFM can have only one user in Both AIFM file and AIF files must be submitted by the same user. If you do not have a user, please read "Guide: How to create user in" first.
1) Go to
2) Choose "Language" and change to "English". Then select "Log In"
3) You will be directed to a new page. Select "Proceed to alternative log-in methods"
(in Norwegian: "gå videre til flere innloggingsmetoder")
4) You will be directed to a new page. Select "Log in without national identity number/D-number" (In Norwegian: "innlogging uten fødselsnummer")
5) You will be directed to a new page. Then log in with username and password