Reports from the supervised sectors for 2020
Published: 7 April 2021
The financial markets should function well during normal times, but also during periods when society has to cope with more serious challenges and new risks. The Covid-19 pandemic has had major negative consequences for society, which in turn have affected the financial markets and Finanstilsynet’s activities and priorities.
During 2020, Finanstilsynet’s focus of attention was to help the financial industry to effectively handle the crisis and maintain critical social functions.
In previous years, Finanstilsynet has published an annual report that included both reporting from the supervised sectors, Finanstilsynet’s accounts and other reporting on its activities.
With effect from the 2020 reporting, this information will be provided in two separate reports:
- Reports from the supervised sectors: published in February/March
- Annual report including Finanstilsynet’s annual accounts and other reporting on its activities: published in April/May
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