Updated and new appendices to circular 12/2016: Finanstilsynet's methodologies for assessing risk and capital needs
Published: 9 October 2019
Last updated: 11 February 2020
Document number: 0/2019
Finanstilsynet has updated three appendices and added two new appendices to circular 12/2016. The main document (the circular) is unchanged, apart from some updated references to laws and regulations.
This circular letter is no longer valid
The current circular letter is:
Finanstilsynet's practices for assessing risk and capital needs
Circular 12/2016
The following appendices are updated:
- Appendix 1B: Documentation of risk profile and capital needs (ICAAP) and liquidity and funding risk (ILAAP)
- Appendix 2: Finanstilsynet's assessment of the Pillar 2 capital needs for credit risk
- Appendix 3: Finanstilsynet's assessment of Pillar 2 capital needs for market risk
The following appendices are new:
- Appendix 4: Finanstilsynet's assessment of capital needs under Pillar 2 related to ownership in insurance undertakings
- Appendix 5: Finanstilsynet’s use of stress tests when assessing financial institutions’ risk levels and capital needs (SREP) and the Pillar 2 capital guidance (P2G)